Monday, August 06, 2007

Grid doodle

Decided to muck around and do doodling in a grid. Rather restrained but I still loved doing the doodling.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Jenny said...

Very creative, interesting grid.

Meinhild Selbach said...

Very good idea et very nice.
I am going to buy that book as well.
Greetings from France.
Meinhild (inselfan54)

Sue said...

I love grid doodling! Nicely done. I have a suggestion for you to try sometime - when your doodle gets close to the border of the grid - don't stop drawing just because the edge is approaching. Go until you reach the edge even if it means only part of the design gets drawn.

For example, if you had dotted fabric and cut out a piece, the dot groupings near the edge would not disappear just because they were now at the edge. They would maybe get cut in half.

It helps me to put a piece of scrap paper on the edge of the grid so I can do the whole design and remove the scrap paper and then whatever would be in the grid is in the grid.

Does that make sense? This is not to say this is a better way to do it, just different. I find it difficult and challenging but I also notice when I'm drawing an object I no longer feel the need squish the whole thing on the page. To me, it makes the composition more interesting to have part of a thing lopped off.

MILLY said...

It reminds me of a patchwork quilt and as that is my next favourite thing after drawing...I really love what you have done with your grid doodle. You could do this on fabric with fabric paints, make a fabric or decorate a tee shirt . Now you have got my creative thoughts going.

Judybec said...

Cool doodles... Iloveit. you've inspired me to go to my studio and paint a doodle canvas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

You know you're really developing your own style. I was just looking at the previous drawings and there's definitely something in all of them that makes them Susan drawings and not anyone else's. Keep it going, great to see.


Anonymous said...

My first visit to your wonderful blog - love your creative exploration as prayer. I'll have to try the grid doodle!

Anonymous said...

Susan, this is so playful and fun. Nice work! I have yet to do anything on a grid, but this has inspired me to do one. If I can get this illustration finished, I think I will play by doodling!