Sunday, November 25, 2007

Herbs and spices

Another of my doodle responses to the challenge. I can still remember planting out my herb garden when I first arrived at my new home. I had a bare garden and my herbs were the first thing I planted. At the moment I have parsley everywhere as it has all self sown. I love the way gardens get lots of surprises in them and create themselves without me doing a thing.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Teri said...

Susan, this is just great!! You really have a great knack for designs. I love it!

dibujandoarte said...

oh Susan! This is really wonderful. It's such a personal style. As Teri says, I can see it as a pattern for a decorating paper or maybe even fabric. You did great.
I'll write an email later. hugs, Martín.

Dana S. Whitney said...

This looks so cheerful. My herbs have self seeded, but I think the rosemary may have crowded out everything else...

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Lovely, Susan, a delightful piece.

juj said...

Wow Susan! This is great! It has such a nice rhythm, and the lines are so dynamic and crisp. One of my favorites.

Lynn said...

Very nice, Susan. There's a lot of really nice movement and energy in this design.

Ann said...

Very nice. I agree, this would be wonderful as fabric, paper, or even cards. It's so cheerful, a very happy design.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

I haven't looked at your blog for a while and it's lovely to see your latest garden doodle. You're right, doodles are a great way to depict gardens, the way the chaos works out and then seems like order.


Anonymous said...

You are so creative with doodles. This is a beautiful drawing and a very creative resolution to the challenge. Nice work!