Thursday, May 03, 2007


For the Everyday in May challenge I will knit everyday. I can do this while I watch TV, with friends or at appointments.
I copied this drawing as I saw it. Now when I look at it should I "invent" the other knitting needle to make it look better. Usually I draw what I see but should I alter it to make a more realistic and/or effective drawing? Comments on this most welcome.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Anonymous said...

This is a very good drawing. I like the lines that you used for the yarn.

Teri said...

Honestly Susan, I would never have noticed you only one needle there if you hadn't said anything. You have done such a wonderful job of making this realistic. I used to knit also so it looks really good.

caseytoussaint said...

Hi Susan! Nice drawing - I love the way you've designed the ball of wool.

Alison said...

I don't think you need to invent the other needle but maybe put a few stitches on the needle that's there - it doesn't quite look attached to the knitting. The ball of wool is great.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Cute drawing Susan! I really like it.

Serena Lewis said...

Gosh, this brings back memories. I haven't knitted in years but I remember knitting little layettes for all my kids when I was pregnant. I think a few stitches showing on the needle would improve it even more but I think you've done a wonderful job of this, Susan.

Lynn said...

Great job of the ball of wool. It looks very realistic.

Digitalesse said...

Excellent. I love the suggestion of texture on the knitted 'fabric'.

E-J said...

How did I miss this before? Fantastic work on the ball of yarn and the folds in the knitting ... simple but so effective! I didn't notice the missing needle either. Adding it might "complete" the picture, I suppose, but I honestly hope you don't touch a thing here - the drawing is great as it is!

I started learning to knit last year and am currently struggling with my first sock!