Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Autumnal collage

Dear friends,
Challenged to do an autumnal collage for one of my online groups. A lot of the members are doing spring collages to celebrate spring in the northern hemisphere whereas I am doing autumn for the southern hemisphere.
lots of love from susan in australia


Eloise Taesali said...

I love it! It's so warm and homey, I'll bet it reflects your personallity!

becky nielsen said...

Isn't it interesting that we associate memories more with autumn than with spring - at least I find it a more reflective time. Such a warm collage, as Ellie noted. And of course, I had to stop for a second to figure out why you were doing the autumnal collage. We're so oriented to northern hemisphere seasons, to the exclusion of southern hemisphere living.

DJ said...

Love the golds and orange tones!

Janet Ghio said...

Really pretty colors you have chosen.

Lisa said...

Beautiful and warm! I love autumn too, although I can't wait for spring right now! Anything but winter :-)

Cherry Jeffs said...

This came together really well, Susan. Somethin stirring about it...

ArtPropelled said...

My favourite season and this collage says it all.