Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Beach scene from the boatshed

This is the scene from the boatshed I mentioned in my other
I am needing help with how to develop it. It is the first drawing I have done of a scene. Should I darken the pencil lines and backgrounds? Advice and criticism would be appreciated.It is supposed to be grasses, sand and the beach!!!
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Alison said...

A great start, Susan, but it looks very pale - have you visited Katherine's blog - scroll through her archives for lots of super coloured pencil sketches - I'm sure it will help point you along the way

Felicity Grace said...

Hi Susan, I don't work in cloured pencil so I don't know how easy or difficult this would be but I would add more darks in the grasses (maybe lower down and between clumps of blades rather than making it all darker) and perhaps some shadows on the sand/ground so they appear closer and more defined in contrast to the sea. It's quite light on my screen but that also suggests a bright midday scene.

Jenny said...

Nice scene! I only play with colored pencil, and I begin with a light layer of the colors, then I add up to 4-5 light layers. Many times a section is a combination of colors in order to attain shading or the final color. The colors become darker and richer with the added layers.

Anonymous said...

This is a great start, and some really good advice :) Can't wait to see this progress as you work more on it!

suzanne cabrera said...

I agree with Christeen, you are already getting some really good advice. To add my two cents, don't be afraid to go dark. I'm not sure if you are working from a photo or life, but either way I would reexamine the scene focusing on what areas are really dark...then go ahead and make them really dark. Then, in the same way, look for areas of light and middle tone values. Great start and nice composition!

Penny said...

thanks for looking at my blog Susan, and i really like this little scene. i wouldnt do anything to this one, do another and put in the darks. Also when you scan things they often dont look the colour you would like them to be, do you have Adobe photoshop starter3? It is free and you can play a bit with that to lighten or darken your scans.