Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Naive figure drawing

I keep a memory sketchbook of what happens on my daily walks. I often do little naive drawings of people and thought I needed to learn how to draw them properly. Then I realised I love the naive quality and look forward to seeing more of them in my walking journal. Thought I'd share them as they will remind some of the professional figure drawers where they possibly started!!!
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Teri said...

Susan, these are really wonderful and so full of life and memories. Keep doing them just like this.

Deborah said...

Very fun! I like the simple line work and the splashes of color bring them to life.

dibujandoarte said...

Susan, they are very beautiful and you know why? because they are made from the heart. The main objective of a drawing is to tell a story, to show some feeling or to wake up some feeling in the viewer, and these "naive" figures really do it. Keep doing them!!! Greetings.

denimay said...

Susan....these are GREAT!! They look just like people and you've so captured their movement and attitude.....I'm enchanted!.....;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

I love the roundedness of the figures, they look so relaxed and comfortable.


Alison said...

Yes, they are lovely - you can see easily what they are doing and the colours are delightful

MILLY said...

Susan these are really lovely and I like the way you have given them a thin wash of paint. Well done , they work so well.

Anonymous said...

Hi susan,
I love your naive drawings, they are so expressive and alive. I think you have captured the scene very well.

Barbara said...

These are wonderful drawings! While you're reminding the pros where they started I just want to get UP to this level!!! - Barbara

Anonymous said...

Susan, what can I say that everyone else hasn't. These are so charming! You've caught the motion of them doing their activities and the line work with the splashes of color says it all. And what an accomplishment to do them from memory! Keep it up!