Saturday, January 20, 2007

Aussie power point and plug

Oh what fun I could do the challenge and use my new scanner straight way...yippee.
I loved seeing all the different power points from around the world. I thought I'd better add another Aussie power point and plug.
My beloved cat Sooty is off her food. I am hoping she is OK as she is usually a good eater.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done. I, too, enjoy seeing various power points from around the world. Hadn't seen anything like yours though. I've been to Europe and those are different too.

littlemithi said...

Beautiful line drawings!

Anonymous said...

These are really different plugs. If I ever go to your country I would have a real problem.
Really nice drawings, and good to see you are taking advantage of your new scanner. Keep the drawings coming please.

Teri said...

Nice job on these plugs Susan. It is so interesting and amazing to see what different countries have for a power source.

SideShowMom said...

Congratulations on your new scanner! Great to see your drawings so nicely! That's such an interesting plug, it's funny that different countries developed their standards so differently!